Monday, March 29, 2010

Sorry I've Been M.I.A

Hey C.I.N fam sorry I have been M.I.A for a couple of weeks but just have been busy with the store.  So I have been trying different products and I came across this Cream of Nature conditioner.  It has actually been working pretty well.  It doesnt leave my hair hard and brittle and it keeps the moisture all day long.  And  that is something I really need.  The way that I use it is I put some in my hair at night on a dry head and I cover my hair with my scarf.  In the morning I just wet my hair in the shower making sure not to rinse all of it out 

Then I rub my unrefined raw shea butter by R.A Cosmetics on my wet hair.

My hair has been doing well with it.  So I give these two products two thumbs up!!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Ladies, I L-O-V-E my husband really I do.  But if he keeps taking my products we are gonna have some serious problems! 

When I decided to go natural a year ago my husband was so against it.  He kept telling me to let it grow out and keep my hair.  Now ya'll my hair was so bad at the time.  There was patches where the perm broke off it was dry, uneven, and unruly.  To much stuff going on at once.  I could not take it.  So I asked my hubby nicely to cut it off.  He said no.  I asked him nicely again.  He said no.  I said kooool you don't have to do it.  I walked down stairs got the scissors and cut a huge chunk out of my hair.  He came down stairs thinking I listened to what he told me. (he obviously forgot who he married).  There I was with a hugh chunk of hair in one hand and scissors in the other.  He says and I quote "*&#^@(@^ girl *#*^#^@ what the *&##^(@ did you just do, sit your @$$ down" And he cut my hair like I asked him to do.  Just had to set the scene for ya'll

Now that I am natural he sees the progress my hair is taking and has started taking my products.  When you buy smaller containers of the products that you need just for your hair thats enough for you. But when someone else starts to use it, it goes to fast.  I mean he uses my oils on his skins, he uses my conditioners, anything that I buy he winds up with it and it leaves my hair thirsty at the most important times.

But you know I am so glad that he takes a interest in being natural too.  He has really embraced it. And I loves him for it! 

Just next time babe drop some ends on the petro!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Natural Inspiration To Others!

So owning a beauty supply store is the best thing ever![60 days open and counting]  I get to talk to and meet a lot of new people I didn't know my little town had.  When people come in and see my hair they are like WOW how do you get your hair like that.  And me being a proud nappy wearer I love talking about my hair and what I use and what black folks shouldn't use.

 My hubby was talking to an old friend of mine, I havent seen her in a while and he told her I had opened a store and for her to come by.  So she did.  Here is our conversation:

Friend:  Girl what the H-E-double hockey sticks did you do to your hair!

Me:  Quit trippin you know you like it! 

Friend:  Yeah  its nice but what did you do and why. 

Me:  The crack is wack!  And I only use all natural products now!

Friend:  Interesting. What can I use for me and my daughter?

Me:  We have some Taliah Waajid for you and the kiddie

Friend:  Thanks girl Im a try it and see what happens.

Now keep in mind friend is an avid weave wearer she has suitcases among suitcases of weaves and wigs
So hubby ran into her again at our son's basketball game and she ran up to my husband and said I have not worn a weave in my head since I left ya'lls store.  I am going natural.  I don't want any more chemicals in my head.  I said to hubby you are lying.  He said no she did not have any weave in her hair it was all natural and she cut the perm out. 

Now can you guys imagine how I feel.  I am changing one head at a time owning this store.  I feel... I feel..  I feel ....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Natural Hair In Commercials

I was watching tv last night which is something I rarely get to do.  The tv is usually on cartoons or videos (kids control it) but anyway.  I was watching the commercials and they had naturals everywhere.  That's like woo!  Who says that natural is something that is not appreicated.  I truley believe that the main stream media has a real appreciation for african americans with naturals.   So I just selected a couple of commercials to show how much natural hair has evolved or has always been around but unnoticed.

Even the brotha has locs!  Wonderful!

Im a give yall one more!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have been natural for a year now.  I can honestly say that I have not worn an Afro in public.  Why I dont know.  Its always been a two strand twist or pulled back with a band for an afro puff. But a full blown afro never that.  So I decided to be bold today and rock my twa.  I actually like it.  There was nothing special that I did to it. Im still looking for that routine that is right for my hair.  But all I did :

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Owning my own business was the absolute best thing I could have ever done besides having my beautiful children and marrying my wonderful husband.  Black own businesses in my town are few and far between but they prosper.  They have been in business longer than the norm.  I too hopefully with GOD's good grace will surpass the expectations of the people that would not finance me.  We are a very small store located in a 300 sqft space with limited products.  GOD placed in my spirit to do something.  I don't know if anyone knows what I am saying but it was so strong that I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I would break down crying because it seemed so impossible.  I thought I was going crazy.  I would tell my husband that I would put the thought out of my mind and focus on the career that I have as a licensed auto insurance agent for all 50 states. I have been an agent for over 7 years with a very popular insurance company.  Which I love don't get me wrong but knowing that I could only sustain and not maintain was breaking me down.  So I told my husband Im done.  I paid off bills saved money with out him knowing took from my 401k and told him that I was not buying Christmas presents. Got my business license, dba, tax id, and found a storefront down the street from my home.  Found the vendors to get me started with products (all the vendors that I used sucked).  The majority of the vendors were Koreans and they like to tell you what black people like.  Finally I just told one of them that we do not like this #&^@%*. We have to use it because this is what you stock in you stores which they own too.  But I perseveered and opened My Beauty Supply Store on Jan 12, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010


OK!  I need to investigate natural skin care products.  I have dark circles round my eyes.  I have tried drifferent remedies.  Steaming hot towels on face, cucumber slices on eyes, covering up with make up.  And I don't drink as much water as I should.  Any suggestions that will help me stop looking like a raccoon.  

Friday, March 5, 2010


So I know I have a long way to go. But I truly can't wait until my length starts to show other than when I pull on it.  There are so many beautiful women out there with great hair.  Here are just a couple great pics that I like.





Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Happy Nappy 1 Year To Me!!

I am one year natural today.  And I love it. 

My routine for today is as follows:

Co-wash with Black Earth Herbal Enhancing Conditioner

Then sealed it with Black Earth Africian Healing Oil

 Then styled into a updo thingy

Liz K.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Welcome To Corse It's Natural!

I would just like to start out by saying I am glad that you have joined me on my quest to find the right products for me and my corse hair.  On March 3 I will be one year natural (smiles all around).  I do have to admit that when I first started a year ago I was so excited about being natural.  I was reading blogs and trying every receipe and regimne I could find.  But then I realized that being natural took a lot more time than people like to let in on.  So I slacked off (enthusiam starting to fade).  I didn't protect my hair.  Now don't get me wrong I am not going back to relaxers.  They are banned from my head forever!!! and a day.  I didn't protect my hair because I didn't deep condition, I didn't wrap it always at night, I didn't always use all natural products (1. because I couldn't afford them 2. because I could find them 3. I think Im running out of excuses).  Anyway,  using products that are not all natural my hair is screaming at me (help me! help me! save me!).  My hair is starting to shead, it feels corse' er and after a year the most dissappointing it has no length.  So my journey begins with a new me (smiles) and a renewed endurance to make it happen until it becomes the lifestyle that I always dreamed of for my hair.  My fellow nappy heads help me out.  Share with me what you do, what you don't, what you use, and what you won't.  (And just one shameless plug,  I own a beauty supply store so if any of you mixologist are thinking about or are retailing your products please let me know I would love to try (an by try I mean buy) the products and if me likey I would love to have them in my store!  If so please let me know by emailing me at

Liz K