Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Natural Inspiration To Others!

So owning a beauty supply store is the best thing ever![60 days open and counting]  I get to talk to and meet a lot of new people I didn't know my little town had.  When people come in and see my hair they are like WOW how do you get your hair like that.  And me being a proud nappy wearer I love talking about my hair and what I use and what black folks shouldn't use.

 My hubby was talking to an old friend of mine, I havent seen her in a while and he told her I had opened a store and for her to come by.  So she did.  Here is our conversation:

Friend:  Girl what the H-E-double hockey sticks did you do to your hair!

Me:  Quit trippin you know you like it! 

Friend:  Yeah  its nice but what did you do and why. 

Me:  The crack is wack!  And I only use all natural products now!

Friend:  Interesting. What can I use for me and my daughter?

Me:  We have some Taliah Waajid for you and the kiddie

Friend:  Thanks girl Im a try it and see what happens.

Now keep in mind friend is an avid weave wearer she has suitcases among suitcases of weaves and wigs
So hubby ran into her again at our son's basketball game and she ran up to my husband and said I have not worn a weave in my head since I left ya'lls store.  I am going natural.  I don't want any more chemicals in my head.  I said to hubby you are lying.  He said no she did not have any weave in her hair it was all natural and she cut the perm out. 

Now can you guys imagine how I feel.  I am changing one head at a time owning this store.  I feel... I feel..  I feel ....


  1. That is too funny. "Quit trippin you know you like it!" :o) I catch sistahs doing a double take and then just staring at my hair. I know they are thinking what they would look like like that. One head at a time...

    My best, Lynn
    *hope you got my email!

  2. Yea one head at a time. We can change the world.

    No I didnt get your email. Could you resend it plz

  3. Yay! So inspiring!

    "Quit tripping, you know you like it." Too cute! That's a great comeback line. Sometimes "hair haters" can catch you off guard and you just don't know how to respond.
